CARE North Hastings offers affordable and reliable transportation to seniors (55+), and adults with physical disabilities (not covered by ODSP), living in North Hastings.
Medical Appointments
Appointments at hospitals, doctor’s office, walk-in clinics.
Social Appointments
Visiting loved ones in hospitals, support groups.
Essential Errands
Banking, grocery shopping, post office, legal.
CARE Programs
Programs like Congregate Dining, Social & Recreational Programs.
Transportation to VON's Adult Day Program.
Clients are billed $0.50/km* for the distance they are in the car. Drives less than 20km are billed a flat rate of $15.00
* Subsidies are available to clients who qualify
Clients wanting to book a drive can call 613-332-4700 ext 6. Please call at least 3 days in advance of your appointment, so the Coordinator has enough time to find a driver.
Volunteer drivers are screened and interviewed by Staff before being scheduled for drives with clients.