
Friendly Visiting, RUOK and Reassurance Calls

A welcome call, or in-person visit each day can help maintain independence. CARE North Hastings has supportive volunteers that can offer companionship, encouragement and a warm friendly conversation.

Request this service.

Calls to seniors to help alleviate loneliness and help keep people safe. 

This service is provided at no cost.

Calls are made Monday thru to Friday and at the client’s preference. 

For some people, a little conversation can make a big difference. So, what if we told you that a meaningful connection was just a phone call away?


The RUOK and Reassurance Calls program matches people with trained personnel who connect with them regularly to check in, provide emotional support and suggest well-being resources and community connections to other existing services.


It’s not just about making a phone call — it’s about forming connections. 

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